These days data is everything. The more you can learn about your website traffic, the more you can adjust, pivot, or add more information to help increase your conversion rate. That’s where Google Analytics 4 comes in.

Google Analytics 4

Icon of Google Analytics

What Is GA4?

Google Analytics 4 is a web analytics platform offered by Google that helps track and report website traffic. It’s the most used web analytics service (although at times you wonder why…). It provides some great insight into how users are interacting with your website but the setup of it and the creation of reports is an important piece that doesn’t come built-in (as helpful as that would be).

google analytics example

How I Can Help

Like I’ve mentioned, being able to gain insight into your web analytics is important but the setup is the tough part. Without having an understanding of different metrics, how to set up key events, and more, you don’t get the full use out of Google Analytics 4.

Overview & Analysis of Past Data

If you already have GA4 setup but just don’t understand what’s really going on or want a more in depth understanding of your analytics, I’ll hop on a call with you to go through your analytics. I’ll discuss important pieces to what I’m seeing, give you suggestions about what you can do to your website based off this, and give you suggestions about what you should add to your GA4 property to gain better insights.

Google Analytics 4 Setup

If you don’t already have GA4 setup but want to get it going, this is where I’ll help get you started. I’ll help you with the setup from getting it started and placing it on your website, to getting key pieces set up (key events, traffic filters, etc.) and helping you understand what’s happening.

Google Analytics 4 Optimization

If you already have GA4 setup but just don’t use it very much or have the bare bones going, I’ll help you get it more optimized to gain better insight into your website traffic. I’ll get key events, reports, filters, and more set up to help GA4 be more of an aid than something that’s just confusing.

Get in touch.

Whether you’re looking for help with something, just have a questions, or want to just chat, feel free to shoot me a message!