SEO Snack: Week of February 25th

Quick Week Summary

What I worked on this past week

This past week had a lot of small things on the list that got worked out finally. Some being YouTube setups (and working to set up podcast plug ins for a website), getting client feedback and starting Q2 strategy meetings (more this week), organizing a lot of client assets and clean up on the backend of websites, analyzing February analytics, and a last review of what analytic presentation platform we might be using next.

Week Insights

What I struggled with

Analytics Being Off

Even when things seem to be going well, there are always a few clients who have their analytics being way off. This time it was referral traffic users spiking (but having very few engaged sessions). It’s something that I plan to work on solving this week as it’s important that we get true (or at least close to true) analytics to review/strategize off of.

What was a bigger headache than it needed to be

301 Issues

A few clients had some issues with 301s not firing the way that they “should”. It wasn’t a massive problem and it didn’t last long before they started to fire correctly but it was a time eater I didn’t need to have.

What went well

Getting Client Feedback

We started to ask for client feedback each quarter to see if they feel like we are hitting the mark in our marketing efforts and we received all of them back which helps the next strategy step in our process.

I’ve spoken to this before but it’s so crucial to make sure your clients feel like you’re heading in the right direction. It’s easy to feel like you are but until you ask that question, you can’t be 100% sure.

What to look out for or tune into

Google Ads Verification

Almost more of a reminder than anything but don’t forget to complete your Google Ads verification. It wouldn’t be too fun if this is something that passes by without being completed… (and no I don’t know from experience yet but just theorizing).

What weird things happened

Massive Keyword Spike

For one of our clients we recently onboarded they saw a pretty big jump up in total keyword rankings. Now it would be great to say it’s because we made a lot of edits to meta titles/descriptions, fixed errors and warnings on the site, and did a good amount of other work, but I don’t normally expect to see the results of that effort right away.

I’m optimistic that we’ll continue to see growth but it’s something I’ll keep a close eye on.

Key Takeaways

1. Navigation Optimization

One thing I’ve been analyzing a bit more closely these days is how easy it is for a user to navigate a website. Not only to ultimately get to a CTA and complete it (form submission, purchase, etc.) but also for them to be able to locate the information they might be seeking.

As a user, there are not many things worse than getting to a site, knowing it’s where you want to be, but being so confused about where things are located and how to get there.

2. Organization

Now this is more of just in general but recently with having a lot of frontend website work, I’ve started to notice how past Tommy wasn’t extremely organized. Whether it was trying to find images/videos or looking for past analyses I completed, I sort of had different organizing for each client, which didn’t make it easy when I forgot how each client was set up.

I highly recommend making as much as you can “uniform” so that you, coworkers, and future coworkers can locate materials without much of a roadblock. It might take some time, but you’ll thank yourself later.

Resources To Look At

1. Capitalize My Title

Maybe it’s not just me who struggles with capitalizing the right words in titles…. If you’re one of these folks hiding, I get it, but here’s a tool to help you out.

Check it out here

2. WordPress Podcast Plugins

I thought since this is something I dove into a bit this past week, it might be helpful for you. If you’re looking at adding your (or a client’s) podcast to their WordPress site, take a gander at these different plugins.

Check it out here


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SEO Snack: Week of February 18th