SEO Snack: Week of April 21st

Quick Week Summary

What I worked on this past week

This past week was a mix match of a few things; meetings with clients, finishing up page edits/new pages, and some website work around design and CTAs. With the month coming to a close, I also looked at the upcoming month (and rest of the quarter) strategy for clients to make sure it all still was the best we could do for clients. Lastly we had someone sit in on our L10 (EOS meeting if you haven’t heard of it before), which was extremely beneficial and I also had a meeting 1-on-1 with the same person to discuss on EOS is going overall.

Week Insights

What I struggled with

Communicating Unique Products

One client I work with has a very unique product (that I think is very much needed for others) but what I’m running into is how to correctly and simply communicate this product to potential customers on the website without leaving out what makes it so unique. More on this in the key takeaways.

What was a bigger headache than it needed to be

Global Elements In Live Builder

Well I had a small mistake that would have been a big issue when working on a page for one of our newer clients. Using their live builder to make edits on a new page I made, I forgot that changing a global element on that page would change it across the site. Let’s just say that I removed the contact form altogether… (don’t worry, I figured it out shortly after).

What went well

May Planning For New Large Client

One piece that I had to finish up this past week was getting the content plan done for one of our newer (from a content standpoint) clients. I had a few pages that I knew we would work on but after that I wasn’t too sure. Should I do it based on keyword drops? Maybe traffic decreases? Maybe importance/relevance of the pages? All that to be said, I feel extremely confident in the plan moving forward.

What to look out for or tune into

Analytics Mania

This isn’t something new and I believe it’s something I’ve mentioned before but Analytics Mania is THE BEST resource for non-coders who need to work with GA4 and GTM. From videos, guides, courses, blogs, Julius has you covered and is extremely good at communicating complex pieces in a simple way.

What weird things happened

404 Indexing Fix

Not sure if I’ve mentioned this before but one client I’m working on got hacked a while back (before we were hosting their website) and over 9000 pages were created pointing to what looked like Chinese product pages. The “weird” thing isn’t that, it’s that now I’m working to redirect all those old 404s to the new site we built for them. The question is, is it worth it if a lot of these pages aren’t indexed anymore…

Key Takeaways

1. EOS

So this year our team has implemented EOS and if you don’t know what that is, it’s the Entrepreneurial Operating System (and more simply put, it’s people operating system that works towards better/transparent company vision, better team traction, and overall just a healthy team).

The reason I’m putting this in this SEO/Analytics blog is because as one of the few SEO folks on the team, this has dramatically improved our SEO Services.

Since implementation, we’ve seen a lot of clients increase keyword rankings, overall total keywords, increased traffic, and more/better qualified leads and I don’t think it’s a coincidence.

This system has helped us (and me more specifically) be able to have open conversations across a large portion of our team on what will help us improve our services, what areas we’re lacking in, where I’m dropping the ball or am the bottleneck, and many other areas. It’s just continued proof that transparency is important, not only when talking to a client, but also internally and so many others likely struggle with this because there is no table set to have these conversations.

2. Communicating Unique Products

So I mentioned this above but to dive in, one of our clients has a unique product to break an age old industry with how they help folks who are older and/or struggle with life-limited illnesses.

Now I’m a full believer of this product. It’s important, intentional, helpful, and truly can make a difference. The problem I’m having is that it’s so unique, that to be able to communicate how it works and why you should buy it has me struggling at times.

What I’m learning (and still working on) is the mix between communicating what you (or the client wants) and what the potential customer needs to hear. With unique products, you could talk about all the new bells and whistles but if the customer just wants a simple answer, well you should probably go with that.

Resources To Look At

1. EOS Resource

If you’re wondering what the heck is EOS, you can dive into this site to get a better understanding. There is also a book called “What the Heck is EOS?” that is also helpful.

Check it out here

2. Analytics Mania

Just trust me, if you’re someone working in GA4 or GTM without a coding background or little true marketing background, this guy will save your life.

Check it out here


SEO Snack: Week of April 28th


SEO Snack: Week of April 14th