SEO Snack: Week of January 21st

Quick Week Summary

What I worked on this past week

This past week a large portion of my workload was a website revamp that we’re doing and pivoting a lot of how that website communicates what it does for it’s potential clients/customers. I also reviewed blogs/new pages for clients that we got “live” as we’re starting to wrap up a lot of this work now that it’s the end of the month.

Week Insights

What I struggled with

Website Revamp & GA4 Form Conversions

One main struggle was the website revamp and working to communicate what the company does in a simple way with copy, graphics, and videos (what they do is super impactful and cool but unique).

I also struggled a bit with setting up conversions in Google Analytics for our new clients due to the forms either being “outside” of their website or just different than the normal forms we work with.

What was a bigger headache than it needed to be

The Dang Form Conversions

The form tracking and conversion setup. It shouldn’t be hard (an area I should/will learn more about) but I spent more time on it than I should have to spend on it at this point in my career.

What went well this week

UTM Codes & Email User Tracking

Remember the UTM codes I mentioned in last week’s “bigger headache” section? Well even without getting debugger to perform the way I needed, what we set up in those codes performed perfectly, and tracking the users from those emails has been a breeze!

What to look out for or tune into

Website Build Out

One big thing I’m testing this quarter to start the new year is building websites out more. What I mean by that is asking myself (and clients) what pages could be beneficial to users (and SEO) and then building them out.

I know that webpage creation is helpful for SEO but one thing I’m always working to be aware of is how much is the work going to pay back. There could be more “beneficial” work for SEO we could do for clients instead of just adding new pages but I’m a bit bullish this year on building out new pages and seeing what the impact is (because I think it’ll give a great return).

What weird things happened

TikTok Analytics API??

Anyone else notice how TikTok has an open API for analytics now????? GAME-CHANGER. We do a lot of content creation on TikTok for clients so it’ll be great to give them the analytics that they should be seeing (let’s just hope it doesn’t turn into a “big headache” in the coming weeks).

Key Takeaways

1. Website Communication

For SEO (and just websites overall) it’s extremely important to not always assume what your potential client/customer knows or how they might navigate your site.

Of course, you want to think about how they might navigate your site but I believe you should go into it thinking that they “know” nothing and that you’ll “point them in the right direction”.

2. Over Track Analytics In GA4

Since we have the ability to set up events and conversions so easily (most of the time), why wouldn’t you over-track what folks are doing on your website?

Just because you might not look at/use these analytics 24/7, it’s better to have them when they aren’t needed, than to not have them when they are needed.


Overall, just be confident in the work you do (especially if you’re in SEO or analytics). It can be easy for people to criticize what you do because of the lack of trust/knowledge/experience or think that their website should perform a certain way and not how you’re suggesting.

Stick to your guns if/when possible. As I said, most folks don’t have a background in SEO, so they might not know the impact of the changes they want or the changes you’re recommending could have (negative and positive).

Resources To Look At

1. API For TikTok

It also seems like a lot of analytic software/platform companies are adding this to their integrations so look at that before choosing one if it would be beneficial)

Check it out here

2. GA4 Guides

If you’re looking for some detailed guides to setting up things in GA4 and to get a better understanding of the platform.

Check it out here

3. PPC Specialist Job Opening

We’re looking to hire a PPC specialist, if you have any questions or someone you recommend we talk to, let me know!

Check it out here


SEO Snack: Week of January 28th


SEO Snack: Week of January 14th