Tommy SEO Services

Hi all!

I’m Tommy.

I work in SEO, Analytics, photography, Notion, other creative outlets, and cheese curd testing.​

Learn more about me and what I do below

Learn More About What I Do

SEO Work

I have been working in SEO (Search Engine Optimization) for over two years.

From not having much of an SEO background, I’ve been able to take the lead of the SEO arm for a small marketing agency. This has allowed me to help 15+ clients, not only improve their SEO, but also their website traffic and ultimately increase their conversion rates.

With working in SEO, I’ve expanded experience and knowledge about different pieces of Google that can help businesses.

Along with experience in GA4, I’ve spent a good amount of time with Google Tag Manager, Google Business Page, and Google Search Console, helping businesses optimize their online presence.

Since I started working at a Milwaukee digital marketing agency, I’ve dove head-first into the world of analytics.

The importance of analytics is something I think many people/businesses don’t take as seriously as they should. I’ve been able to learn GA4 from setup to customizing it for companies and their website.


With our world turning more virtual over the past few years, I worked to build relationships with other professionals in spaces I found interesting. This led to a few back and forth messages that turned into conversations over a podcast.

After being on a few different podcasts (I was in my early 20’s for a few of these, you’ve been warned), I realized the benefit, not only to having great conversations, but also the skills you can build during podcasting. In 2022 I wanted to build my communication skills which led to the creation of the Progress Journal - a short, solo podcast that I recorded in my bedroom. It started off hot and then like many other podcasters, it fell off the face of the earth. I picked it back up in 2023 to refine some skills and produced a few more episodes, tune into it below!


Being more of an analytical guy (I started off school as an electrical engineering major), I never thought I’d find enjoyment in taking photos and editing them later at my desk.

Turns out it’s one of my favorite hobbies. To me, there is something special about being able to capture a moment for myself or others.

Roman Forum Ruins
  • On a family trip out in Italy, we were in Rome for a few days so you know we had to do some classic tourist events.

    One of our last excursions was taking a tour of the Roman Forum. It was shocking the amount of history still intact and, even more surprising, the amount that they are still discovering.

Manarola Italy
  • During the middle of our Italian adventure, we made a pit stop to Cinque Terre and hit a few of the different villages located there.

    Our last night we had a beautiful dinner planned but before our reservations, it started to rain a bit. Instead of just taking cover, we took a stroll around one of the hillsides and discovered a crazy split of color from the storm and the sunset. Luckily we had some time to capture this moment before dinner.

Italian Vineyard
  • If you haven’t noticed the common theme of our trip to Italy, maybe this one will help reinforce that.

    One of the last experiences we got to explore was a vineyard tour in Florence. Although I’m not a big wine guy, it was extremely interesting to see the process and business operations behind this power house of an industry. The biggest surprise though was the grapes. It makes you question why grocery store grapes are the way the are.

Everyday Carry Products
  • I’ve become fascinated with being able to combine multiple products that all correlate together into one photo.

    Diving into a stint of obsession with EDC (Everyday Carry) items, I decided to pull together a few of them to snap this interesting photo. The tough thing about living in a studio apartment is your background is normally not ideal. If you look close enough to the top right corner, you can see my “dinner table”

Colorado Rocky Mountains
  • Being born in Colorado (I only lived there till I was 2 but it’s still a badge of honor for me), we’re lucky enough to go out there every year.

    A few trips back we finally got the chance to hit the slopes and enjoy something other than the bunny hills here in Wisconsin. The truth is I haven’t gone skiing since because as great as it was out in CO, it ruined skiing for me in the Midwest.

Workspace Inspiration
  • It may seem like my interests are all over the place and that might be an accurate diagnosis.

    One of my biggest (and certainly most expensive) hobbies is tech. I’ve turned into an Apple fan boy over the years (get those green texts out of here) and have worked to find tech that isn’t just “cool” but helps my workflow be more productive.

Get in touch.

Whether you’re looking for help with something, just have a questions, or want to just chat, feel free to shoot me a message!